New Life Story

What did you think of Jesus and God growing up in Ireland and why?
I grew up in a Christian family so I was lucky enough to know of Jesus from a young age. Dublin is quite secular so I viewed it as more of a religion than way of life.

What prompted you to start finding out more about Christianity?
I was always quite interested in Christianity and it’s relevance to my every day life. I would go to church with my family every week and try and pick holes in the sermon or ask questions about it

Describe your first encounter with Jesus?
When I was 13 i asked a camp counsellor how much she was paid to be at camps. When she said nothing and that she was doing it to « help us learn more about Jesus » I had to reconsider the God that I had grown up hearing about. That weekend I started to understand the true gospel. So my first encounter with Jesus was with her!

4. How has going to an ICM church helped in your faith journey?
Immanuel was my first real home church after coming to understand the gospel. I found them to be like family. I’ve been supported by them in so many ways in the last four years and have had the opportunity to serve in meaningful ways. My faith has grown but so has my friendship circle. Immanuel has been like a little slice of heaven for me

Blessing is part of Immanuel Church Dublin one of our city centre churches. To find out how to pray for its ministry click here.


Heartfelt thanks and fond goodbyes.


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