Heartfelt thanks and fond goodbyes.

This summer we’ve sadly said goodbye to Colin Logue and Sally Shaw as they’ve retired from our Belfast office. They have both served us so faithfully for the last 10 years in many seen and unseen ways and they will be sorely missed. We thank them both so much for their commitment and for serving God in this way and we pray for them as they move onto a new season of their lives.

Thank you so much Colin and Sally. We pray for God’s blessing and protection on you as you move into a new season of your lives.

As a result of Colin and Sally retiring, we have taken the decision to merge our admin offices as this will be more cost effective. To this end we have taken on new part-time admin staff in Dublin. We will have a PO Box in Belfast and Hazel Coulter is very kindly assisting us with admin that needs to be done in Northern Ireland. We thank you in advance for your patience as we work through all that this entails. Please be assured that although there are changes, the desire to see the gospel spread through the whole island of Ireland has remained unchanged.


New Life Story