Pray for Irish Church Missions

Please pray for Ross, Andre and Eddie as they settle into their new roles as Trustees. Thank God for them and the range of gifts and expertise that they each bring to the board of Trustees.

Please pray for all Trustees, that God would give them great wisdom and discernment through this time of change.

Please continue to pray for us as we discern the best way forward to exercise an evangelical ministry within the Anglican Communion.

Please pray for our Admin team of Nicole, Jacky and Hazel as they combine the work of the Dublin and Belfast office.

Please pray for the Director, David Martin, as he comes back from Sabbatical. Pray that after a time away he will return refreshed both physically and spiritually.

Please pray for Colin Logue and Sally Shaw as they retire and move into a new season of their lives that they will continue to grow closer to God day by day.


Pray for Immanuel Church Dublin


New Life